Friday, January 18, 2008

knee surgery

no, not for me. not now, anyway. i called my cousin stacy yesterday and said something like this, "so, grandpa is doing fine after the surgery..." "WHAT!!!?", was the response. oh, didn't you know? apparently you move to louisiana and they don't tell you when your grandfather is going to have knee surgery. how un-Christian.:) she didn't even get to pray about it! right? right.

so today is payday. why is there a twinkle in my eye (why is today "rhetorical question" day?)? because i am going to buy SHOES. yes, the objects near and dear to a woman's heart. since the baby was born there is a new dress code at work and all my new work pants are too long and i walk on the hems, or i roll them up until i look like a hillbilly. HUMILIATING. so, now that Christmas is over i am going to go get some shoes with a big-fat-lift-me-off-my-hem heel. WHEE! oh, and today is haircut day, too. i am so nervous. i don't know what kind of a hack job i will be getting. oh for the bygone days of just getting a trim every year or so. but, i do have a coupon. "those are nice to have."

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