Friday, May 29, 2009

quiche me, you fool

haven't been cooking much since the surgery, but i did make 2 quiche for dinner the other night. my favorite food in the world is sundried tomato/feta/basil quiche -- with a homemade butter crust! i made a cheddar/mozzarella/bacon/marjoram/thyme quiche for the boys. they don't have as sophisticated a palate as i do. jack does, though.:)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i called it

totally. i am so happy. i got exactly what i wanted for my bday. (after a teensy bit of finaggling.) yarn, knitting needles, books about knitting, books, and coffee. Praise the Lord! He is so good to me. and my family is so good to me. thank you! and the best part is all the gifts i can make now that i have these gifts.:) anyone want a really really pretty shawl? the line forms on the left.

Friday, May 22, 2009

birthday lunch

the day before my bday my parents took jack and i out for chinese food. jack loved it. especially the chinese doughnut. ?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

i picked a winner

when i married dan, i picked a winner.:) geez i love these guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

birthday wish list

YARN. knitting needles. books about knitting. books. coffee. that's about it. maybe some plants or clothes, but i'm pretty stocked up on those right now. YARN...

"pardon me"

jack now says "pardon me" when he burps.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

my helper

jack is my helper. he brings me stuff. he helps me clean. he puts dirty dishes in the sink and trash in the garbage. jack's newest vocation...physical therapist. i was down on the floor doing my leg lifts. jack grabbed my ankle just like he saw dada doing so many times (now i don't need help) and proceeded to lift my leg up and down. then he put my ice pack on my knee. i ORDERED dan to go get the video camera so i could record this precious act. dan didn't think it was worthy of video. men! jack has a sweet spirit and a servant's heart. it just about breaks mine with happiness to see him do these things. i am so grateful for my baby. praise the Lord!

Monday, May 11, 2009


we are mending. slowly but surely. it won't be long before i will be off the crutches. andy has about 6 more weeks to go. i've been getting a lot of knitting done, and i finished "little dorrit" by charles dickens. people have been so loving with all the cards,flowers, plants, gifts, coffe cards!, meals, desserts, and tons of lovely gestures. we are blessed with loving family and friends. praise the Lord for His goodness and healing!