Friday, September 28, 2007

easy there, it's just an... EASEL!

i looooove my husband. you know what dan bought me for a surprise last night? an EASEL!!!!!!!!! one that you can travel around with and paint outdoors! it is a bit cheap, granted, but not in price. dan went to a tool sale, of all places, and saw it. he bought it on the spot. he had it all set up in the door of our bedroom last night. when i got home from work at 9:20pm-ish i saw dan and the boys on the couch and started to talk to them and walked into the living room a bit... and there it was! i was so surprised! i freaked out. i almost cried. can you believe that? I was just saying that i felt a bit of painting coming on! i have felt inspiration hanging in the air. i told dan that God used him and he didn't even know it! makes you wonder what stuff you do that God is using and you don't even know.

shoot, now i'll just have to paint!:) no excuses. there's money involved now!

like a college education isn't money involved. i'm a moron.

my gram asked what i was going to paint first and i told her i have a painting in mind -- starring a green bean. i am not kidding. it will be fabulous and funky and saleable.:) i can see it in my mind. which is weird. i have never done that before. i always just chose a photo based on a requirement and then i copied said photo. i also have an idea for a painting with the face of a geisha (and i hate asian-y art. bizzare.) i am going to make her hair stand out stiff like how arthur rackham painted alice's dress in his illustrations of "alice in wonderland".

where is this stuff coming from?!!

well, i have to go give the baby a bath. we are going shopping since it is payday. i need: cheap groceries, a pair of cheap/fabulous knee-high leather boots, and there is a sale at "itsy bitsy" that i have to check out for jack.:) lots to do! oh, and i am hosting a dinner party/bonfire tonight for dan's mom and step-dad, and dan's sister and her husband and daughter. and i wanted to make a carrot cake and apple bars from scratch. and i might get a touch-up haircut. (my sis did a great job, my hair just has a nasty sense of humor. it needs to be beat into submission.) augh! so much to do!!!!!

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