Tuesday, July 17, 2007

beware my sister's children!

my sister is here visiting with her three daughters. she is staying at my parent's house. today jack and i went over to visit. these nieces of mine are nuts. the 5 year old (oldest), elerene, was wearing a cute shirt, jean skirt and some really grown-up white patent leather tappy shoes with a slight heel. what she didn't put on was some underwear. my sister noticed the lack of undies and ordered her to put some on. shortly thereafter we were mooned. my sister says, "look at that.". i turned, was mooned, and noticed a LARGE purple bruise on ele's backside. my youngest niece, nole, about 18 months, had bit her the night before. angie told me that ele and emelea were giving a "concert". they were singing "Jesus loves the little children" in front of some chairs. enolea wanted up on a chair. when ele didn't move... she bit her in the butt.

red and yellow, black and white... and with purple backsides... Jesus loves the little children of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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