Friday, June 1, 2007

jack's armoir

right now jack's armoir is in the living room. only until he gets to move in to his nursery. i am really trying to stick to the blue and white theme. it just says "ultra boy" to me. it may be the megalomanic in me. if it is going to be a boy... it is going to be a boy IN A BIG WAY!!!

the little outfit hanging on the door is one of my two faves. isn't it sweet?


Nora said...

i love the little blue piggy bank. the outfit is adorable, tho i have a feeling he'll be swimming in it at the moment. :P

gypsy jean said...

the piggy bank is a "russ" brand. i got it at a cute little baby boutique called "itsy bitsy". i love that store.

yes, he will swim if i put him in it newborn. it is a 3-6 months.:) i thought that might be a cuter age for him to wear an overall.