Wednesday, January 28, 2009


my poor little boy is sick with a head cold. he gets a slight fever at night. he crawls up on my lap and falls asleep. hope he gets well soon, but i do love it when he falls asleep in my arms.

finally got the rest of my "Chistmas books". i ordered a whole bunch of books from with my Christmas money from my mom-in-law. there was a bunch of hassle, but they finally all got here yesterday. and i am almost done with the second book. there are five in the series. i am totally geeking out.:) well, not totally. i did manage to fold some laundry, do dishes, make chocolate chip cookies and a pan of gingerbread. but, every moment outside of that i have had my nose in a book! i am wallowing in my books like a happy little piggy in mud.

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