Wednesday, April 30, 2008

jack's new trick! ooh and ahh!

jack is walking! that's a fact, jack. he started saturday. he was in such a rush to get to grandma (my mom) that he took off. then we lined him up to see if he'd walk to grandpa, and he did! it was thrilling. now jack thinks he can walk everywhere. he is still slow and takes about 5 or 6 steps tops, but he's coming along. i am just tickled at the thought of jack walking up the aisle at Church to go into the "Birthday Box" for his first birthday. i'm a very proud mommy.

i bought jack a rain coat friday. it was raining. he needed new equipment.:) i got him a coat that makes him look like a little giraffe. i love it when strangers stop and comment on his cuteness.:) little old ladies are a sucker for my jackers.

new word: boo. as in peek-a-boo. i have taught him how to peek-a-boo, also. i got it on tape.
new trick that's coming along: throwing a kiss. it is lacking a kiss, and he needs to open up his fist. we will keep working on it.

random thought. i actually forgot one couple in my expecting list. my husband's cousin melanie is due any day now, i think. that makes 10 couples. another gift. a great excuse to go to itsy bitsy.

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