Thursday, March 13, 2008

what i am reading

i read a lot. i tend to do most of it while nursing jack, these days. i read a lot of mags. dan has a ton of free subscriptions lately that he got somehow. these are: "reader's digest" (time waster), "time" (beat-you-about-the-face-liberal), "nat'l geo adventure" (hard to find interesting besides the photos), and "esquire" (what?! dan didn't know what it was. what it is... effeminate men's ads and sexual innuendo and crud. i am going to find out how to cancel it. i am ashamed of what the mail lady thinks. i am scared my step-son will read it. i am angered by this mag.). dan also gets "cycle world" and "auto restorer". i dig it. that's my real man.

i only get one mag these day, mary englebreit's "home companion". it is great. very arty. a bit crafty. always a delight.

but i do read a book now and then. the Bible. that's hard to hold while nursing. i have just picked up an art book about carl larsson that i am dying to get into. i have also been reading an art book i picked up in the museum bookstore at the minneapolis institute of art. it is really interesting because it gives you a little history behind the works.

here is a little painting by larsson. i like it because it is great, obviously, but also because it reminds me of my mom's apple trees.


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gypsy jean said...

how nice, an advertisement comment. don't go to the link. -molly