Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas baking

yesterday jack and i went over to my grandparent's house next door to do a little Christmas baking. my mom organized the event.:) she made 7 swedish tea rings (like a big ring of cinnamon roll), date crumbles, and she coached my grandfather in the making of 2 batches of date cookies. and that was just up until the time i left at 3pm. there were still special k bars and nut goodie bars to be made, i gather.

i whipped out a bunch of my old standbys, sandbakkels. they are norwegian cookies you press into little tins. the cookies taste like almond sugar cookies. they are shaped like little tarts that you are supposed to fill up with jam. yum. i had them at my wedding reception. made by me!

i also made 2 scandinavian almond cakes -- one for me and one for my gram. she has a very messed up back and could only watch us bake, and rock jack to sleep. that was sweet. she sung him a lullaby and i got it on video.

i also made a triple batch of banana bread. i don't know why, but i like to give it to people in the Church for the holidays.:) weird compulsion, i know. i like to slip the pastor a loaf when i shake his hand after a service. i like to make little muffins and such for the widows and spinsters and other sweet older friends. don't forget the widows and spinsters and poor on Christmas! i was a spinster until very recently, and i have been poor. they need loving!

today i am determined to finish my Christmas shopping. i also have a coffee break birthday party for my grandpa at 10am. he is 75 today. he's a sweet guy. he loves to rile up jack. then at 1pm i have a w.i.c. appointment. then at 4:30 i have a work Christmas party. bring on the cheese tray!


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