Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my pumpkin speaketh

today so far i have fed jack twice, changed his sleeper 3TIMES! because of leakage, and rocked him to sleep. i have folded 2 loads of laundry. i have also made 2 batches of banana bread from scratch. the secret to my banana bread is cinnamon. just follow the betty crocker cookbook and put in about 2 tsp. cinnamon and it is delicious. i am eating a chunk of it hot out of the oven with butter melting into it as i type this. fresh from the oven is best because it gets a crispy crust and the inside is soft and chewy.

yesterday was much more eventful. jack said his first word. it was "ma ma"! i was in the kitchen and jack was in his "mega saucer" in the living room. he was getting sick of it and started to complain, "mmmmmm mmm mmm". i have been certain all along that he would say "mama" soon because he does this "mmm" thing. he never makes a "d" sound. all of a sudden i whipped my head up. i was sure i heard "ma ma". so, what does a loving mother do? not take her poor son out of the toy. no, i run for the video camera. i turn it on and wait. jack said it again! "ma ma." on tape! then i waited some more and he said, "ma ma ma". i am ecstatic. and yes, i did take him out of the toy thing-y then.

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