wow. i checked in on my old pcc friendly acquaintace, marian macipinlac, yesterday and found out that she has recently renovated her seattle home. that is an understatement. i exclaimed, "holy junk" and startled my baby when i got a peek. i have a link to her blog here on my blog. if you appreciate diy, architecture, interior design, or oogling expensive homes, you should check it out. she has the old and new floor plans posted, and lots of gorgeous photos. it is unbelievable. i am not sure, but i suppose she renovated it as a "flip". i.e., 1. buy a home, 2. renovate, 3. sell at a tasty profit. let me just say, a $300,000 profit sounds pretty sweet. although, from what she's said, it sounds like they did a lot of the work themselves.
like marian said, who doesn't love chandeliers in the bathroom?
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