jack sat with the mall santa dec. 8th. we were first in line and i was very excited. jack was asleep in his stroller when we got there.:) i woke him up, and as you can see, he was ready to greet santa with a big cheesy grin. but where is santa's grin?... there's not much to excuse the absence of a smile with the very first child of the day. a good child at that. yet, maybe one of his reindeer died that day or maybe he has irritable bowel syndrome from eating all those cookies. we may never know.
i really dig those gloves though. he might have got them as a gift from mickey mouse. also, that is a real beard.
if i don't get around to it telling you before the big day... HAVE A VERY MERRY CHIRSTMAS FULL OF GOD'S ABUNDANT BLESSINGS AND A HAPPY PEACEFUL NEW YEAR!!!
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