Wednesday, February 10, 2010

what's hot/not

- sunshine. played outside a bit with jack. inspected some of dan's minnows in a bucket. can't wait for spring!
- "emma" on pbs. such a good movie! i cried at the end. i HATE sappy movies, but don't mind a few tears shed over a really quality movie. i wonder if i need to own it...
- nominated to be on the Church building committee. very excited to serve. hope that my input is useful and respectful. be a good girl, molly!:) and restrain yourself. no one else wants a turquoise kitchen...or do they? muah ha ha!!!!! gold lam`e covered seat cushions in the sanctuary?;) hee hee!

- my tummy hurts. i think from home baked goods overload. gah! there is such a thing as too much lemon bread/pound cake/blueberry lemon scones. i keep putting more in the freezer.
- pottytraining is my world lately. it is "hit and miss".

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