Friday, January 29, 2010

what's hot/not

oopsie! missed the wednesday deadline. like i care.:) i'll do it today.

- scones! made a double batch of homemade blueberry lemon buttermilk scones. they are so very very good. especially hot!:)
- knitting. knitted 6 dishcloths recently. AH! it's good for the soul.
- more knitting! picked up the sweater that i had laid aside for a few weeks. it's really coming along! got to the armholes and beyond... but had to unravel a few rows because i had modified the pattern and the smooth side of the stockinette stitch was on the wrong side! it's ok, i got all the yarn back on the needles and i am about to make the armholes again. can't wait!
- "emma" on pbs. i love masterpiece classics!!!
- "pride and prejudice" in book form. the movie is, maybe, better... but the book is fun, too. there are a few more characters to keep track of in the book, which makes it interesting.

- naughty jack! still going through quite the phase. 4 times dug dirt out of my plant in the living room. broke glass in a picture frame. got stranded in the stairwell at 4 AM IN THE MORNING!
- jack got a bad cold. it' nice to get some extra cuddling, but it's so sad to see the poor dear suffering.

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