i found this family photo over at my gram's house. i am taking precious family photos that i discovered were in a 4-drawer dresser next to the TOILET in my gramp's bathroom, and putting them in an album. this photo was taken in front of our tiny little first home. i am on the left. my sis and i are wearing "member's only" jackets, i think. you probably can't tell, but there are pin stripes on my jeans, and i am wearing kilty tasseled loafers!!! ha ha! but they do not have taps. (pcc inside joke)
1 comment:
kilty tassled loafers. muhahahahaha! i like this picture. that is exactly the same posture you were standing in when i met you for the first time at the PCC library when we were scared little freshemen. except you were clutching a little purse.
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