Wednesday, July 2, 2008


i had my doubts. i almost didn't go. i am glad i went. believe the hype. wall-e is great. wall-e was so endearing he reminded me of my baby boy! that my be a stretch for you, but for me, not so much. jack and wall-e are so similar. they both are small and unsteady. they both emit little burbles and squeaks. they are both sweet. end of arguement. my son is a robot.

by the by. the premise in wall-e that the earth could be covered in garbage is, i believe, false. no way would the land lovin' liberals ever let that happen. in a world where we have to protect the forests so that a little owl is not killed, but human babies can be aborted every day... well, the land is safe. never gonna happen. not that i believe it should. i am just saying it won't.

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