happy america's birthday! we went to a parade in crosby, mn. woo! the hoochies were out! crosby has a high hoochie population. and they even imported some hoochies, i believe, for the occasion. oh, note of interest, i saw a group of 4 guys and 3 of them had super duper tall mohawks. the kind you have to use egg white or cement or something to get them to stand up. i have no idea what they were doing in rural mn... i really have digressed. ok, the point of this entry is that this is a photo of jackers meeting smokey the bear. kind of fun. i don't know if jack thought so.
jack did love the firetrucks. good thing because there were about 3 dozen of them blowing the heck out of their horns. sounded like this, "BMURCK BMURCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOO!!!!!!!". something like that. jack waved at all the firetrucks. adorable.
i was the hostess of the parade. it was dan, jack, me, mom, dan's sis carrie, and her little girl claire. i brought pop, doritos, ritz crackers, graham crackers for jack, swiss, cheddar, summer sausage and cheddar. and red-blue-oops purple rice crispie bars. i was disappointed when the parade ended because i wasn't finished with my picnic lunch.:)
now jack is taking a nap. i have a little bit of time before we go to my parent's house for a big bbq bash. i am bringing homemade chicken wild rice salad and a key lime pie. i have to go now and make the salad. hope everyone had a flag wavin'-hoochie watchin'-firetruck blarin' 4th of july. God bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!