Saturday, October 20, 2007

sears portraits cont. -- cousins

here is the group shot. nole and eme had issues, at seperate times. this shot was as good as it got. still, not half bad. i would have liked a smile from jack... but you can't win them all.


Heather Arment said...

i LOVE the stripey pants too! (= your sister's girls are adorable!!! i wish i had nieces! and i can't believe how old andy is! i can tell already he's going to be a heartbreaker!

gypsy jean said...

girls started calling our home last year when andy was in 6th grade. i asked one girl, "does your mother know you are calling boys?". she said yes. i can't believe these bold little hoochies. one friday night this year a girl called at 10 minutes to 11pm! i'm afraid we'll start getting "hang up" calls. we'll have to get caller id again.

Heather Arment said...

haha just wait till a gang of girls send him poetry and magazine cut-outs under the guise of "Screaming Barbie" (=

gypsy jean said...

what kind of weirdo does that? mayonaise is much more appropriate.