"i don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows. i can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes..." no, not that "pepper". pepper as in pepper spray. so, jay, you don't have to feel so bad about setting off my pepper spray that one time. i did it myself the other day. i had just pulled into my parent's driveway when i heard this funny sound. it sounded like a punctured can of pop. since i don't drink that too often i racked my brains to figure out what it could be. PEPPER SPRAY! i threw myself out of the car. then i thought... MY BABY!!! then i mightily hefted out his car seat and set it down away from the car. sheesh. setting off my own pepper spray. (shakes her head in consternation) i had it in the arm rest of the car and i guess i leaned on the arm rest juuuuust right and squashed it.
--marshall fam Christmas 07
you set off the pepper spray that one time in Florida too. Remember, we were choking in the car and couldn't figure out why? you don't seem to have much luck with it, you know. maybe you should just get a mini tazer and zap someone if they try to mug you. pepper spray and you don't seem to mix. :P
what? i set off my spray with you? i totally don't remember.
it has been raining here lately and i have begun to think i might take up the british habit of always carrying an umbrella with me because they make such fantastic weapons. especially when you have to go out to a parking lot at 9pm four nights a week. at least it is very well lit and not too scary.
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