it is 2:26am. i have been up since about 1:15am. oh, jack, you are up to your old tricks again. he let me sleep through the night (except for 1-3 potty breaks a night) for awhile. now i guess i am going to have to get used to knocking around the house in the wee hours of the morn.
last night, just after i laid down in bed, jack got the hiccups. i am pretty positive it was hiccups. it was too rhythmic and lasted too long to be any thing else. it was weird. i did not like the sensation. i started to panic. what if he kept it up for hours? it only lasted a few minutes.
also, i think i irritated him last night with a starbucks frappucino mocha java bar. it has real coffee in it. maybe he is finally getting sensitive to caffeine. time to switch to decaf.
this is jack's latest ultrasound photo. it was taken on 3/6/07, at about 7 months preggers. it is hard to make out, but this is his face. i was surprised to see how cheek-y he is! he weighed about 3 pounds at this point. this is probably the last image i'll get of him before he is delivered.
i am 8 months preggers on friday.
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