Friday, January 30, 2009
cook book

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
my poor little boy is sick with a head cold. he gets a slight fever at night. he crawls up on my lap and falls asleep. hope he gets well soon, but i do love it when he falls asleep in my arms.
finally got the rest of my "Chistmas books". i ordered a whole bunch of books from amazon.com with my Christmas money from my mom-in-law. there was a bunch of hassle, but they finally all got here yesterday. and i am almost done with the second book. there are five in the series. i am totally geeking out.:) well, not totally. i did manage to fold some laundry, do dishes, make chocolate chip cookies and a pan of gingerbread. but, every moment outside of that i have had my nose in a book! i am wallowing in my books like a happy little piggy in mud.
finally got the rest of my "Chistmas books". i ordered a whole bunch of books from amazon.com with my Christmas money from my mom-in-law. there was a bunch of hassle, but they finally all got here yesterday. and i am almost done with the second book. there are five in the series. i am totally geeking out.:) well, not totally. i did manage to fold some laundry, do dishes, make chocolate chip cookies and a pan of gingerbread. but, every moment outside of that i have had my nose in a book! i am wallowing in my books like a happy little piggy in mud.
Friday, January 23, 2009
learning some new tricks

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
my faith has found a resting place
well, gee willikers. i realize that i have not talked much about my faith recently. for shame. it is a big part of my life. but, reading my blog you might get the impression that i worship jack.:) no, i do not bow down before my baby. nor do i burn insence to him.:)
a while back on facebook i wrote that i was all fired up to read the old testament prophets. here's why. i usually really love to read the book of Revelation because it tells what's going to happen. that's exciting! right? so, i can't remember whose message it was, but it got me all fired up to read the old testament prophets because they too prophesy of the "end times" (which is right about now, people). so, i started at Daniel. i am pleased to say that i just finished Habakkuk. that's 9 books. so, it seems that i have finally hit on a "new years resolution" that i can stick too. the diet... not so much.:)
i would encourage you to read the prophets. it's a great little reminder of what a truthful, inspired book the Bible is. people say the Bible is just a book. hm, a book that comes true? hundreds of years after the word is written? i call that an amazing book. i call that a one-of-a-kind book. i call that...God's word. AMEN.
a while back on facebook i wrote that i was all fired up to read the old testament prophets. here's why. i usually really love to read the book of Revelation because it tells what's going to happen. that's exciting! right? so, i can't remember whose message it was, but it got me all fired up to read the old testament prophets because they too prophesy of the "end times" (which is right about now, people). so, i started at Daniel. i am pleased to say that i just finished Habakkuk. that's 9 books. so, it seems that i have finally hit on a "new years resolution" that i can stick too. the diet... not so much.:)
i would encourage you to read the prophets. it's a great little reminder of what a truthful, inspired book the Bible is. people say the Bible is just a book. hm, a book that comes true? hundreds of years after the word is written? i call that an amazing book. i call that a one-of-a-kind book. i call that...God's word. AMEN.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
happy happy birthday, baby!

Monday, January 12, 2009
dragon lady
i set jack's playhouse up in the living room this morning. he seemed a little forlorn, so i decided to "join" him. i laid on the floor, covered myself with his baby blankie, and stuck my head in a door. i suddenly felt like a dragon in a cave keeping watch over my hoard of gold and jewels. just thought i would share.
Friday, January 9, 2009
a very good day

"those are nice to have..." - lauren (moberly) pope. a good day is very nice to have. the house is CLEAN, the washing machine and dishwasher are washing, 2 loaves of homemade white bread are baking (tuusen takk to my cousin travis who gave me a killer tip for raising bread! it worked!!!), a crockpot full of chili beans are soaking, i am knitting/perusing the internet, jackie is sleeping, daddy and papa allen are off ice fishing, and God's in His heaven all's right with the world. i feel very happy and content. hope you, person reading this, are too.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
"i like coffee, i like tea..."

this is one of six mexican mugs from the mug tree in my kitchen. they are my favorite chai mugs. they make the chai ritual a little bit special. right down to the cinnamon dregs. ah!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
what we are doing lately

during the two week Christmas vacation dan and andy have been doing a lot of snowmobiling and ice fishing. andy has a friend, james, who lives down the road and they have been spending a lot of time together. these photos are from the day that james was snowmobiling over and he got stuck in a huge drift. he called andy...instead of his parents!:) silly boy. i drove andy over with a shovel to dig him out. i had jack in the back seat -- placated with chocolate chip cookies. i, naturally, knitted while i waited. and i couldn't resist a few unbelievabley funny shots.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
"poo poos"

yesterday jack told me he had pooped. he turned to me and said, "poo poos". very exciting! thanks jack! maybe he will be a fast potty trainer. trust me, as a mom this is very good news indeed. time to get the potty chair dusted off!:)
this is not a photo of jack doing a "#2". his is just contemplating his cookie. but, it's about the same face.:)
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