happy '08! here are the breaking news stories in molly-ville.
jack said his second word 2 days ago. his first word was "mama". his second word was "dada"! what a sweetie. i swear he repeated the word "dirty" after me the other day, but that might have been a fluke. jack has a very deep voice. sort of like my niece enolea.
wednesday my sister called me on her birthday to inform me that she is going to have a fourth child. she is due sept. 8th. and she's trying to go v-back, ladies. that's going to be something. yeah for angie!
my friend from pcc days, marian, got engaged! her ring is very sweet and unique.
my Christian friend at work was told wed. that her position was eliminated. so sad. i am totally bummed. now i am really all alone... the only Christian. the only one working at night. it will be ok. God is in control. my heart goes out to kelly.